Job Postings
At Arctic Chill Dance Company
we have several different positions to apply for. The Positions available are:
Head Coach of Our Speciality team you need to have basic knowledge of contemporary, lyrical, tap, jazz and hip hop dance styles.
Assistant Coach of Our Speciality team you need to have basic knowledge of Contemporary, Lyrical, Tap, Jazz, and Hip Hop dance Styles.
Assistant Coach for our Kickline Dance Team you need to have basis knowledge of Dance steps and Basketball Cheerleading Skills
Head Coach of Our Majorettes you need to have knowledge of Baton Twirling skills
Assistant Coach of our Majorettes you need to have knowledge of Baton Twirling Skills
Assistant Coach for Our Competition Cheerleading Team you need to have basic Cheerleading knowledge (example Hurkey, Toe Touches)
Office Manager to help with paper work and the business side of things
Pay Will be Discussed on the phone during the phone interview​